

A sex therapist recently asked me about how I would resolve “performance anxiety in sex,” and I replied, “I would ask questions, and run assessments before anything else.” He told me almost immediately that I don’t know anything. I replied, “Thank you. What were you expecting to hear or read from me?” He said again, […]

I bet you probably didn’t know something like invisible audience existed. You’re about to discover it anyway.   So, what’s the concept of an invisible audience?     Okay, say you see that you have a lot of views on your videos, tons of downloads for your podcast, a lot of traffic to your site, large

Isn’t it time you started some profitable endeavours? On this episode I’ll show you how to run your calling – profitably – in 5 steps.   ON THIS EPISODE, YOU WILL LEARN HOW TO RUN YOUR CALLING PROFITABLY: About when I first started #Audacity2Lead, and for a couple of months I kept teaching, training and all

In working with different clients in regards to their podcast, I have noticed most of us fall into 4 podcast stereotypes, whether we are trying to start or already running one. I decided to share this information with members of my podcast network over a 4 day period, and the feedback was great.  Here are some: While all


Who belongs in your tribe? Okay, what even makes a tribe? How do you know you have a tribe around your leadership? On this episode of #Audacity2Lead, I talk about what happens as you get on stage and start sharing your story and message with the world – you attract people who eventually become your tribe

If you have to be heard, you have to be seen.  Same way, if you have to lead, you have to lead from somewhere. Whatever you choose becomes your platform. But before you choose, what determines the platform you get on? Today, on this episode of #Audacity2Lead, I walk you through the simple 5 steps

Edu-preneurship is how you turn the ideas in your head into something people will pay you for. Several people are practically clueless how to go about that. Our expert guest on this episode is Sarah Cordiner, whose purpose in life is to plague the world with change-makers, impact-creators and educators. This is to enable entrepreneurs

What do you do when you’re in-between vision and fulfilment? Everybody pursues something, right? Today, I share with you 5 things to do while you wait between your calling, leadership and fulfilment. [Tweet “What do you do when you’re in-between vision and fulfilment? Here’s what to do while you wait”] ON THIS EPISODE, YOU WILL

Every content you create is an experience you’re giving to that person interacting with you. The more deliberate you are with your content, the better the experience you produce. In this episode of the #Audacity2Lead podcast, I walk you through the 6 steps to take when creating content that gets results.     If you have

One thing that makes a blog and podcast effective is the ability of the host to laser-focus the niche. It simplifies the process of marketing it. Scott Roberts who is my guest on #Audacity2Lead today shares how niching his blog got him to be the most trafficked blog in the fire food category.    

If you are going into a podcast niche or topic that already has a number of people in there, then you have to find creative ways to make yourself stand out. How do you do this? This is the focus of this episode of #Audacity2Lead as Scott Murray shares with you how you can up

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