

You have been told to stop doing the work you hate and start doing what you love. The question is: where and how do you get started on that route? Today, on this episode of the Audacity2Lead podcast, we decided not to shy away from this avoided topic of living a meaningful life while doing […]

74% of employees are said to be experiencing a personal energy crisis. That’s a huge number considering the fact that most people are on a job they don’t really love. Productivity has to do with creating value. It is the balance of input and output. Personal productivity will then mean what you do to create

What stories are you telling yourself?  What kind of story are you hearing? What script of a story are you living? Welcome to another session of The Audacity2Lead podcast. Last episode, we discussed how the words we hear on our inside, the pictures we conceive within, and the impressions on our hearts all contribute to

Have you answered the question about your passion and your life task? How badly do you want to maximize your potentials? Do you want to be a good guy or a great guy? You can decide which if you learn how to identify your passion points, and activate them. On this episode of the #Audacity2Lead

  “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?” Who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us, and as we let

  Do you ever turn back from following your passion because you feared something? You are not the only person. Fear is a common line in the vein of successful leaders who have learnt to overcome those fears Every one fears something once in a while. But more specific on this episode of the Audacity2Lead

Welcome to Episode 5 of The Audacity2Lead Podcast. I’m gradually getting off the skateboard! On this episode I share 7 reasons to ask questions as a young and emerging leader. I shared this story of young Francis who came to his father one day and asked, “Why is the grass green?” to which his dad

The most interesting part of your life surfaces only when it is focused on a few key things. [Tweet “The most interesting part of your life surfaces only when it is focused on a few key things. “] Some Saturdays ago, I was at the graduation ceremony of Impact Life Vocational School here in Makurdi.

Oswald Chambers said, “Leadership is influence.” John Maxwell defines it more clearly when he said, “Leadership is the accurate, specific application of influence.” By Biblical standard, leadership is God’s extension to the earth through man. Throughout history, every time God wants to do something among men, He taps a potential leader on the shoulder and

Schooling is not Education. Many people who go to school learn nothing. “What are we learning?” You need to ask yourself what you are learning. Learning requires more than a student’s physical presence in a classroom. A lot of us believe that learning should begin and end within the four walls of a classroom. Beyond

Every June 18 is my birthday. I started the celebration for 2014 on a Sunday with #Audacity2Lead tweet conference and the launch of this blog, and on the conference, I shared a little of my story. At the end of this story, I would love to hear yours. You can give me a sneak peek by sharing

Leadership in its simplest definition is influence. Much more than that, is that it is the right application of influence. But I believe leadership is more than influence. It involves the pursuit of purpose as evidenced by vision and convictions. If you have a message, a passion for change, one way I’ve found for you

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