


Every June 18 is my birthday. I started the celebration for 2014 on a Sunday with #Audacity2Lead tweet conference and the launch of this blog, and on the conference, I shared a little of my story.

At the end of this story, I would love to hear yours. You can give me a sneak peek by sharing your story with me in the comment section below or you can send me a mail.

To begin, especially on my birthday, I re-affirm my commitment to building Nigeria by building her young leaders.

#Audacity2Lead so far has been good, but it’s getting better. I’m sharing a little of my story.

Stick with me in the next few tweets as I share my story.

“Beyond schooling is education” is a part of my belief for a life of significance.

[Tweet “”Beyond schooling is education” #AUDACITY2LEAD @SUPERGIRLTIMIDI”]

I grew up with the regular consultation from parents, friends and families that if you can read well, pass your exams, come out best in the class, and get a good job, that is success in life.

All through primary school, I was the best student in my class. Even had double promotion two times, which means I finished primary school faster than usual.

Secondary school wasn’t like that. I couldn’t even be among the first 20 in my class. Funny!

I accepted my fate (my bad) and decided to be a truant in my class.

Excellence has always been in my blood. I’m a kind of perfectionist.

By SSS3, I was far away from even knowing my books. I had become a rapper (one of the best in the school), a gangster, whatever.

I finished school with a passion for rap music. I did all I could to get signed up with OJB, Mr Smart, and co.

While I was out of Secondary school, my dad and mum wanted me to study engineering. I know your parents too had a desire for you like that.

I was told to study engineering because my dad was an engineer, but that wasn’t a bit of my interest.

I discovered designing was something I was wired for. I just love to create visually appealing stuffs

One day, in 2005 after staying in Akure for 5 months, I came to terms with my natural wiring. I want to be a designer, an advertiser, a creator of good works that men will admire. That was where i started.

After I came to accept design as what I would want to do, I changed my course – my schooling path.

From Agricultural Economics & Extension for which I was admitted in the Federal University of Technology, Akure, I switched to Industrial Design which I love.

My first GP in school got me excited, second one almost discouraged me.

I remember my friend, Nike Agbede asked me what happened and I answered, “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning.”

Years later, I had become one of the best design students in my class and department. To the point of teaching my lecturers.

What marked the difference for me?

From my first day of entering 100 level, I decided I was going to be a resource bin. If any question about design is going to be asked, I must have a valid answer for it.

From that I studied, tested things, made several mistakes. All the while learning beyond what my school syllabus offered.

My department is or was full of hand-made designers. They just love the crude approach. I dared to be different.

I started using my desktop computer to create my assignments and class work – even my drawings were digitally done.

Where am I going with this story? Simple. What school offers you is an opportunity to develop your innate abilities.

I quite understand that right now our school curriculum is outdated, but 2025, the change will be so visible.

You can become whoever you want to be when you embrace personal education.

What do I mean by that?

Gather all the resources and requirements that will enable you develop your natural abilities.

Jim Rohn says, “Formal education will earn you a living, self-education will make you a fortune.”

[Tweet ““Formal education will earn you a living, self-education will make you a fortune.” #AUDACITY2LEAD”]

In my own case, I got books whether hard copy or soft and drank deeply into them.

I discovered better techniques and styles to use to get things done. And gradually I was becoming better.

Today, I look back and celebrate those choices I made.

I learnt that natural things must be in place before the supernatural can happen. I developed myself, and I prayed.

Today, I celebrate my birthday and I look back and say, “God’s been good!”

If I didn’t embrace how I’m made, I would have never become who I need to be.

[Tweet “If I didn’t embrace how I’m made, I would have never become who I need to be. #AUDACITY2LEAD”]

I started everything I do now from my undergraduate days, because I was already seeing them though not so clear.

What you can become is what you’re seeing right now. But what you do about it is what matters if you will become it.

God loves you so much to have delivered a dream in your heart. But a dream not followed soon becomes a nightmare. It begins to haunt you instead of inspire you

You can be great by choice. Look forward to the future and walk backwards from there. See the end from the beginning, and chart a path to take you there.

Live intentionally.

Once again, I commit myself to building Nigeria by building her young people #Audacity2Lead. God bless you.


About The Author


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