

#AUDACITY2LEAD focus your life

The most interesting part of your life surfaces only when it is focused on a few key things.

[Tweet “The most interesting part of your life surfaces only when it is focused on a few key things. “]

Some Saturdays ago, I was at the graduation ceremony of Impact Life Vocational School here in Makurdi. I was glad to see over 10 ladies go through the catering training session they just concluded. I eventually became friends with some of them. (Just friends, please)

At the occasion, I had a 10 minutes speaking spree, and was told to speak on the topic “FOCUS.” But then knowing that the topic is broad and I couldn’t have effectively taught or shared on focus within that small frame of time, I did something interesting which I’m going to share with you.

I painted a picture of what focus means and why it is important to your personal life.

This is how I did it…

I began by getting someone to be on the keyboard (piano, of which I am an amateur player) to play the sol-fa notations “Doh- reh- me….” Then I stopped and asked if anybody understood what I just played. Almost everyone nodded yes.

Then at that same moment, I told the guy to play a line of notes, anything he could just tap on the keyboard, which may not have any significant meaning and tune, and then I asked if anybody understood what he played.

It was obvious nobody did from the expression on their faces.

Then I said, “People will understand the music in your life when you clarify the notes. That you make a lot of noise doesn’t mean you’re making sense.”

Tweet that to let your friends know. 🙂

[Tweet “People will understand the music in your life when you clarify the notes. “]

This same statement applies to your leadership and life-task.

If you know the keyboard piano well, you realize each key on it doesn’t produce the same sound. Even if it does, not the same octave.

When you focus your life, you sharpen your impact radar.

And when you don’t, you dull your influence-impact circle the more.

Which would you go with?

Let me leave you with this question:

Can this small change really yield a big result for you?

Let me hear from you on that. Comment in the section below what you think about why focus is especially good for your life.

About The Author


  1. Pingback: HOW TO GET PAID TO BE YOU – Episode 14 - Audacity2Lead.com

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