

Being able to single out your own leadership style is the key to high impact.

As you go on building a platform for your leadership, you’ll express yourself in the most congruent way, it is very important you discover and develop your unique leadership style.

discovering and developing your unique leadership style
Here are 10 models in discovering and developing your unique leadership style

Gary Wills, in his book, A Certain Trumpet said,

“Certain leaders have had high impact because their particular style of leadership meshed perfectly with a specific need in society.”

In this episode, you will learn the most fundamental thing in leading with influence. If you have to meet needs, you will need to understand your unique leadership style.

You will learn how to handle snide remarks and comments that don’t need to be considered because the commenter doesn’t understand your unique leadership style.


  1. Identify your leadership style or styles from what you will learn fro this episode. Rate yourself, then share your discovery with people who are familiar with your leadership.
  2. Determine whether your leadership style fits well with your current leadership situation.
  3. Identify the leadership style of each person on your team. This helps you do two things: One, it helps you make sure each person is matched with the leadership position that allows him or her to make the greatest impact. Two, it allows you to determine what leadership function is lacking on your team and what style of leader should be added next, either as a staff or a contributor
  4. Commit yourself to developing your strongest leadership style and growing in the areas you are weak




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As you go on discovering and developing your unique leadership style, here are the 10 basic models you need to be aware of.

    1. Has a crystal clear picture in mind of what the future could hold
    2. Appeals to everybody to get on board with their vision
    3. Responds to opposition by digging in his heels and raising his voice louder
    4. Has a natural ability to do some things well, but will require others to handle those things he cannot
    5. Nehemiah saw the overall plan and moved people to accomplish the vision
    1. Has the ability to take an exciting vision and break it into a series of sequential, achievable steps that everybody can understand and participate in
    2. Challenges team members to stick with the plan till the goal is accomplished
    3. Strives to bring the various sub-groups of an organization into alignment so that all the organization’s energy will be focused toward realizing the vision
    4. Gideon always had a strategy given to him by God for each task
    1. Has a God-given ability to see and choose the right path for his organization as it approaches a critical intersection (points of important decisions)
    2. He may never stand in front of a public to speak, but he has an uncanny wisdom that makes it to assess the values of the organization, the mission, the strengths, the weaknesses, the resources, the personnel, and the openness to change, and chart a direction
    1. A popular statement that describes this could be, “Leaders do right things, while managers do things right.”
    2. Has the ability to organize people, processes, and resources to achieve a mission
    3. He is a champion for bringing order. Monitoring and fine-tuning a process, motivating team members by establishing mile markers (growth measuring parameters) on the road to the destination
    4. He may never get the attention of people, but he is managing people and progress towards the organizational goal
    1. He has a God-given ability to keep team members fired up by injecting the right kind inspiration into who needs it most
    2. He seems to know exactly when a particular team member would get a necessary boost from a day off, an office move, a title change, or a training opportunity
    3. He quickly realizes that people get tired, lose focus, experience mission drift or start to wonder if what they are doing really matters to God or anybody else
    4. He seeks to find new ways to inspire and lift the spirits of everyone on the team
    1. Builds a team slowly, loves team members deeply, nurtures them gently, supports them consistently, listens to them patiently, and prays for them diligently
    2. He draws team members into such a rich experience that their hearts begin to overflow with goodwill that energizes them for their mission
    3. Teams under a shepherding leaders are found to say, “We can do it together”
    4. Under a shepherding leader the range of vision can be very broad, but what matters are the community dynamics
    5. He may not excel at casting vision or putting strategic plans in place, but has a unique ability to shepherd people thereby making huge difference
    1. The team-building leader knows the vision and understands how to achieve it, but realizes it will take a team of leaders and workers to accomplish the goal
    2. Has a supernatural ability into people that allows them to successfully find and develop the right people with the right abilities, the right character, and the right connection with other team members.
    3. Coupled with this is the ability to put these people in the right positions for the right reasons, thus freeing them to produce the right results
    4. A team-builder is driven more by a clear understanding of the vision, a strong control of the strategy, and an acute insight into people. A shepherding leader is driven by the desire to nurture and build community
    1. This guy functions optimally in start-up mode, has a lot of initiatives, and likes to give birth to something new almost every time
    2. Once a venture is up and operational, once the effort requires steady ongoing management, once things get complicated and require endless discussions about policies, systems, and controls, then he loses enthusiasm, focus, and sometimes even confidence
    3. At this point, he starts thinking of starting another thing newly. He may leave an organization, ministry or department he started because he believes if he is not giving birth to something new every few years, something within him starts to die
    1. He is gifted by God to thrive on the challenge of taking a troubled situation-a team that has lost its vision, a ministry where people are in wrong positions, a department trying to move forward without a strategy-and turning it around
    2. He is particularly keen with details of why, what happened, who did what. Then he moves the team to taking necessary actions
    3. Reengineering leaders can come in the form of consultants or coaches. They patch up, tune up, and revitalize hurting departments or organizations
    4. He may never start anything or lead anything long-term but he salivates at the thought of providing workable solutions to crumbling situations
    5. Daniel quickly comes to mind as we consider this type of leader. In Daniel 2; 4; 5 you find him coming in to provide interpretations to dreams that have cost many their lives and some to lose positions of honour. Jethro, the father in law of Moses, is also an example.
    1. Has a unique ability to bring together under a single leadership umbrella a wide range of constituents groups
    2. Possesses a supernaturally inspired ability to compromise and negotiate. Specially gifted to listen, understand, and think outside of the box. But above everything else, loves the challenge of relating to diverse groups of people
    3. He creates a win-win situation for everyone by uniting and focusing the efforts of each group, helping each group develop a healthier perspective, and realize that they can meet the needs of their sub-ministry and contribute to the overall achievement of the overall mission as well


  1. Identify your leadership style or styles. Share your discovery with people who are familiar with your leadership.
  2. Determine whether your leadership style fits well with your current leadership situation.
  3. Identify the leadership style of each person on your team. This helps you do two things: One, it helps you make sure each person is matched with the leadership position that allows him or her to make the greatest impact. Two, it allows you to determine what leadership function is lacking on your team and what style of leader should be added next, either as a staff or a contributor
  4. Commit yourself to developing your strongest leadership style and growing in the areas you are weak


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