Have you in your life ever been called a “Broke-Ass?”
Or you ever come to a point you’re ashamed you couldn’t take care of your basic needs?
I used to be like that.
Some 10 months ago, my ex-girlfriend described me as a ‘broke-ass pastor’ to her friends.
I could not cry because I had to show I’m a man, but that was one of the things that led to her becoming my ex.
As ugly as that was, it didn’t put me down a bit. Instead it motivated me to change that perception she has successfully created among her friends.
It can be funny if you live in this part of the world like I do, where the average cost of living according is said to be $1 a day. (Though I find that hard to believe)
You know that feeling you get when there are stuffs to buy and you have an empty pocket, and 2 empty bank accounts.
I read of one young guy of about 26 years named Alex, ranting and abusing an old man who he acknowledged has age advantage over him. Well, the reason for the abuse is simply that the old man is using his natural talents to make money. And this young man was angry!
I mean ANGRY.
I know you are reading this right now and you might be saying, “So what does this story have to do with me?”
If you would ever make money at all, there are three fundamental mindsets you must embrace. Permit me to share them with you.
On the first of October, Nigeria’s Independence Day, I was facilitating a group coaching session, where I shared with them on how to marry your passion and gift for profits.
You can get the slide I used here. Or listen to the podcast where I talked about something similar.
Now, what does it means to capitalize?
It means you have to discover your gift-advantage. Talents make money. Gifts make money. Skills make huge money.
The difference is HUGE.
You have to capitalize on making your gift or talent into a skill.
What’s the difference?
Gifts and talents could be natural unrefined endowments. Skills, on the other hand, have passed through training, reformatting, packaging, processing and the likes.
A gift is I can snap photos or I like to use a camera. A skill is I’m a professional photographer. See the difference?
There is absolutely nothing on earth wrong with using your God-given talent to make money. In fact, the reason why God gave you the talent(s) is to make money. (And I have enough evidence to prove this to you.)
But then until you accept that you are not only permitted to, but that you can and you must, will ideas – moneymaking types – begin to flow.
So it begins with your mind.
I love to say, “Mindset is called mindset because it is the setting of the mind, and once you set your mind, you set every other thing in your life.”
Learn that now at 26 years or plan on being broke most of your life. The biggest lie I believed when I was young was any version of ‘money doesn’t matter’.
Our talents and skills are not intended only to be used for our own good. They’re meant to be shared as an offering to the world.
A gift in the truest sense of the word.
Now let me share with you how to really make money.
- Depend on a salary.
How does salary work?
You work for an employer for a number of times, within a set number of hours, at a particular place (most often known as a company or office), then at a specific time you get an amount of money which must have been agreed upon.
You have an employer who decides how the game is played, how much you are paid, and what time you have to be laid off.
No one ever gets based on a salary. They may have some money to spend, but will never be rich – or wealthy, depending on how you see it.
- Create a business and sit as the CEO.
This age-old catch phrase, “Be your own boss,” describes what I mean.
It means anyone who wants to start a business or an enterprise.
Usually, this will be a small or mid-scale business that cannot run independent of the entrepreneur who started it.
The sad story is that, it takes longer time to make money from this kind of endeavour, because you will have to invest a lot of time, effort and what have you to make it work.
3. Find opportunities to jump into.
This may be investment opportunities in shares, stocks, bonds or similar opportunities.
Did I just tell you about stock market?
Please dash that idea. The stock market has crashed.
I have personally lost a bunch of my money there. Imagine me, an undergraduate gathering money from the businesses I was running in school and pouring the profits into stocks and shares.
This is about 4 or 5 years later, no tangible dime has come from the stock market. Of course you can guess it. I was not doing it right.
However, when I talk about opportunities, they abound. Some may work for you, some may not. But where’s your audacity to lead if you can’t dare stuff?
Now let me be specific.
I was speaking with my friend Kelvin Wealth recently and he was describing to me one major opportunity that’s opened right now and young people can tap into.
This is 2014. Ten years from now, 70% of business transactions would be done via this same opportunity opening up.
Well, in case you don’t know.
Online business.
I started exploring internet business opportunities in 2006. Then, I read all I could.
Wait, I mean to say I devoured all available content related to internet business I could find.
From books to courses, to systems, to memberships to programs, to info products, to even physically attending some of SuccessDigest trainings in Lagos. Name it. I have seen them all. Done them all!
The sad thing is I was doing them all wrong.
I feel like stopping now to cry now, because I’m already telling you my bad sides. 🙁 Well, this is what it means to have people you can open your heart to, like you my friend.
Sometimes, it’s good you check what’s driving you. For me then, my driving force was greed. Thank God I have changed since then. I’m driven by something else now.
So how can you make money online?
- Find an existing system or model that’s working and jump in. It will be stupid to try to invent a wheel that someone else’s dad has created.
- Establish relationships with experts in the field you’re interest in. ask questions.
- Reduce the number of information products you consume.
“Are you serious?” you ask.
“Yes I am”
Too much information can paralyze faster than no information at all,
I’m not saying don’t learn. What I’m saying is be deliberate and specific about whatever you’re learning. Determine your takeaway before you acquire the information.
Anyway, I’m taking you too far, and too deep.
Here is a program I’ll recommend for you. Click here to get more details.
Question: Which of these 3 ways to make money would you embrace? Why would you?
i choose developing your gifts into skills.great one sir!
Nice article sir…I enjoyed every bit of it. I love the internet business stuff…guess I’lll try it one day. Very insightful read.
Wow,what an experience you had,well I’m definitely challenged to do more,I gotta sell myself,lol,just saying…
Great advice!
I’ll choose all three ways but use the first and third methods to drive the second one. I particularly like the last bit of advice you gave on acquiring too much information. It’s been really tempting but I’m learning to focus on the lessons that are relevant to my growth.
Thanks for sharing, Dayo.
Very interesting article. I’ve been reading your articles for over 5 hours today and i have to say i love everyone one of them.
Hey Mauryz,
I’m wowed by your comment. Thanks for taking time to be here. Thank you for the feedback. If you need anything or further help, don’t hesitate to let me know