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Good leaders ask great questions.
IBM founder Thomas J. Watson said, “The ability to ask the right questions is more than half the battle of finding the answer.”
If you want to be successful and reach your leadership potential, you need to embrace asking questions as a lifestyle. Because you only get answers to the questions you ask.
On this episode of the Audacity2Lead podcast, I share with you How to Deliver Unique Value by asking yourself 3 important questions.
3 Questions to Ask Yourself
1. What is my unique gift set?
Your distinctive edge. Your combination of some gifts, talents and abilities.
Why do I have to talk about this?
This is because what you are gifted in often reveals the kind of leadership you’re meant to exercise and your area or sphere of influence.
Like I mentioned on Episode 3, there are about 8 or 9 of these spheres of influence. You will most likely find your gifting in one, 2 or 3 of them.
2. What do I offer that people need?
The key to maximizing your time and effort is in asking the right questions.
What can I do to help?
What is it that those I want to reach need and won’t be able to get anywhere else unless I provide it?
Who else can provide that thing?
3. What unique contributions do I make that will make people want to follow or listen to me?
Using Ray Edwards’s P.A.S.T.O.R Model for Effective Copywriting, I came up with this and shared:
P – Identify key problems that exist and select which you enabled to solve.
A – Amplify the problems. By doing that, you find people who resonate with what you have and are looking for solutions.
S – Share a story around the solution.
T – Transformation and testimony
O – Offer your solutions and be bold about it.
R – Be responsive and engage in conversations around the offer.
Number one reason why people don’t ask questions is the fear of appearing foolish.
[Tweet “Number one reason why people don’t ask questions is the fear of appearing foolish.”]
Like someone says,
“Ignorance becomes stupidity when you stop asking questions.”
[Tweet ““Ignorance becomes stupidity when you stop asking questions.””]
I encourage you to step out and lead better by asking right questions starting from today.
On the tip of the week, I share my tiny little tip or tool I use to unclutter my inbox.
My thank you goes to Kolo Kenneth K who was my guest on the #Audacity2Lead on Sunday. You can join us this Sunday 3pm.
For this podcast, I intend to move things up a little from the next few episodes. But I want you to help me take this survey so I can pinpoint the specifics to be shred on this podcast.
Ray Edward’s PASTOR Model
Kolo Kenneth K @KoloKennethK
Dayo Samuel’s Twitter handle