
BECOMING MORE: a daily improvement plan

 Life is a constant exercise in self-improvement. A key desire in the hearts of young people is to be a better person, and not to remain at the same spot for so long a time, so everyone keeps pushing to improve. Looking through scriptures, you find that God never intended anybody to remain at the same over a period of time. His plans have always been that His people gravitate upwards from one level whatsoever to another

Sometime ago, I began to look into my Bible asking God what it means to, and how my life can be on a constant improvement. One scripture I came across is Proverbs 4:18, “The path of the just is as a shining light, that shines MORE AND MORE unto the perfect day.” Interestingly, I found out that no single day should leave me the same way it met me. So I asked, “How is this possible?” [more…]

In this short article, I want to put to you 2 of the answers I received, and more importantly, a simple improvement plan that gets your life better by the day.

1. A value for the Word of God
Don’t be surprised this is coming first. God’s Word is loaded with potentials that bring about a supernatural growth if allowed access and free course. Don’t be deceived, you cannot be built up if you do not load up on the Word. It is as you behold the glory in the Word that you are changed into the same image from one level of glory to another (2 Cor. 3:18). And what’s the result? 2 Thess. 1:3 “We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more…” Your faith develops stronger, and because it is faith –your faith, that is required to overcome all of life’s challenges, you find yourself at a faith advantage everytime.

2. The power of your routine
Everyday increase comes with everyday habits. Heb. 10:11, “Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties, again and again he offers the same sacrifices…” Under the old covenant, a priest maintains his office to the degree of his daily involvement. It is same for us too after the order of the new covenant. Jesus has offered once and for all time the sacrifice for our sins. Now we have a new life. We are priests and kings serving God. Halleluiah!

Whatever you do or are engaged in, your overall relevance will be found in what you are committed to doing daily. For example, you cannot be a good sports man if you are not training on a regular basis. To some, having to do the same thing over and over again may bore them, but do you ever find any great person who does not have something he does every now and then? It is a secret you need to put into practice in your life. Having discovered what your life will be about, and received a vision for your present time, develop habits that will take you there, and stay committed to them. Like my pastor will say, “Champions run on routine

This year is fresh and you are principally the determinant of whatever the year will become, why not make choices that will end you where you really need to be?

I am your friend,

Dayo Samuel Ayodele

Dayo Samuel is the Lead Facilitator of Young & Strong, a leadership development organization. He provides leadership development trainings to ministries, organizations and individuals. Follow him on Twitter @DayoSamuelA or connect with him on BBM: 265561A9 or Whatspp: 08030814854

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