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Break the Frame: Rediscover Your Dreams, Your Voice And Your Life.
Hello my friend,
Dayo Samuel here…
Thank you for requesting my brand new audiobook.
I’m excited to be part of your next 365 days, and sincerely this is my gift to you as you begin the new year.
In this audio program, you will discover:
- How fear is one of the disempowering information you have come to believe and accept, and now it conditions you.
- How most people have become products of status quo, hiding behind their personal limiting frames which of course they built around themselves.
- What and how you became fearful of stepping out and being the voice of influence and change in your world.
- The top 5 mental shifts you need to make the most of your potential, and what to do to about them.
Please click on the image below to download your audiobook.
While you wait…
Register Now to Join the Break the Frame Virtual Bootcamp where you’ll learn 4 other strategies to make the most of your next 365 days
See There’s no better time in history than right now, to live your passion and share your gifts with the world.
Join me at the “Break the Frame Virtual Bootcamp” where you along with a few others will learn to break through personal frames and those that have caged you in.
At the end of these 7 days, 18 hours bootcamp, you’ll have come to understand and respond to the aching voice of underachievement that’s crying deep inside of you, seeking for expression, wanting to rise to the calling in your spirit.
You’ll push fear in the face, step out and do what you’ve been called to do.
The Break the Frame Virtual Bootcamp running from the 4th of January 2016 through 10th, it’s a guarantee that you will rediscover your dreams, your voice and your life.
To join right away, simply click on the ‘Register Now’ button below.
Once registered, send your name, and the top 5 things you want to see happen within the next 365 days (you’ll learn more about that in the audiobook) Send that to this Whatsapp number +234 803 081 4854.
…and in case you prefer to make payment through bank, here is the details you need to get started right away:
GTBank / Dayo Samuel / 0124118662
Some of the benefits you get if you register right now:
- First hand insider info into the creative process that turns your ideas into tangible expressions within the next 365 days
- 30 minutes personal one on one call with me
- Access to the special expert appearance session
- Free ticket to the live Break the Frame Bootcamp which will hold somewhere in Lagos later in 2016.
- The first 10 people to sign up get 6 months of access to an “Ask Dayo Anything” Online Members Forum
If you want to own your life, you need to be at this virtual bootcamp.
If you want to produce better results than what you’ve had so far, you need to be in this virtual bootcamp.
Go ahead and…